Thursday, May 14, 2020

Computer Security Essay - 1039 Words

Computer Security Would you be interested in a career where you could make fifty thousand dollars a year right out of college? Would you like to have an extremely secure job? Would you like to create a company as successful as Microsoft or Facebook? If so, a career in computer security may be the field for you. As a high school student, you might be wondering what it would be like to work in the field of networking or database security, as well as compare them to similar fields. Today I will give you some general information that might encourage you to seek a degree in the field of computer science, with a concentration in computer security. My goal is to give you information to help you make an informed decision about whether this†¦show more content†¦He had just finished his associate’s degree in computer science, and had a few network security certifications. He was looking for a part time job, and had originally applied for a job as an accountant at a bank. After working the re for two days, they had a computer failure. When the IT specialist working on it was unable to fix right away, he decided to see if he could help. He quickly found what one of the IT specialists had missed and fixed the problem. Once he fixed their computer system his supervisor started asking him questions about what kind of computers had he worked on and asked one of the other IT specialist to test him to see if he knew what he was doing. Once they checked his basic computer skills they offered him a job as one of the bank IT specialists. Since he hadn’t finished school they told him that he couldn’t move up until he finished his degree. So, while you might be able to get your foot in the door with some practical experience, the best jobs will go to those that have a bachelor’s degree and maybe some certifications in their particular area of interest or specialty. You might be wondering what a security major really does. IT security has to be very careful about keeping their anti-virus software updated and secure. There are about a thousand new viruses created a day and it’s not unheard of to have tens of thousands created in a single day. A good example of this would be last year’s April Fool’s DayShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Computer Security2039 Words   |  9 PagesThe Importance of Computer Security Computer security, is the protection of information systems from theft or damage to the hardware, the software, and to the information on them, as well as from disruption or misdirection of the services they provide. 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