Thursday, November 21, 2019

Building a Strong Team Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Building a Strong Team - Essay Example c initiatives such as trainings that would ensure the team is in shape without room for complacency and potentials for failure or mistakes; and, 2) I will establish performance assessment mechanism and corrective measures to ensure the provision of quality care. Again, the BEI is the cornerstone of my strategy. The succeeding stages in the building of the team depend on its success. BEI will allow me to determine if an applicant is compatible with my objectives as a leader and to where I plan to steer the team. My plan is to build a close and interdependent relationship, although one that is also typified by a strong degree of independence from each member especially when responding to opportunities and crises. So one of my questions would definitely be this: "Can you give me a specific example when you encountered a problem at work and what did you do to deal with it?" This question should be able to give me an insight on the candidates past behavior. Dubois (1998) argued that that this line of questioning would demonstrate competency on the applicants end as well as a point of reference for his or her behavioral patterns in the future (p.235). The question would also enable me to gain insights on the potential team members self-confidence , adaptability and willingness to learn and develop on personal, group and organizational level. The STAR method could also augment the BEI questions by providing a way in which questions can be framed or how answers can be analyzed. It is also designed to make the interview logical and concise (McMunn, 2012, p.32). For instance, in my example question, the applicants answer can be parsed according to what it stands for: situation, task, action and results. If the answer is lacking or veering away from the question, then, it will provide the cue or the context for the follow-up question (Fernandez, 2006, p.581). If I would be asked the same question and I have to frame my answer according to STAR method, I would say: In 2009,

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